Hunchback, Commodore 64

Well.Come. Back.

The Bells! The Bells!

Frankly, dear friends, I am unsure as to why the only discernible audio in the Commodore 64 version of Ocean’s “Hunchback” is the traditional 100+ year old ditty “The Teddy Bear’s Picnic”. Answers on a pike to: ouch, that’s my arse.

Hunchback then, at first glance, could almost (colour clash n00bs) be mistaken for a Spectrum game, however, the game itself is a joy to play and as simple as a flat cheese sandwich. You play Hunchback or Quasimodo from the literary pen of Victor Hugo, looking to emancipate your love, Esmerelda from the top of Notre Dame. Simple.

Well – not so, as you have to scale the merlons and run a gauntlet of agility, timing and youthfulness, all of which I fail in. Reminiscent of our friend from Pitfall, the game mechanics are straightforward, easy to pick up and a pleasure to enact. However – a walk in the park, it is not.

One of the most fun aspects of the game, as a whole, is that despite the clear and present simplicity of the entire premise, you remain steadfastly rubbish at it. Rather than frustrate you, this elicits continual glee from your stupid little headbox. It is genuinely fun to play, even, on the screens that have barely any adversaries, or obstacles at all. A feat of hook-ability, if I ever saw one.

For me personally, the nostalgia factor with Hunchback is so strong, I may well be verging on the Mega Bias, however, I will stick to my came to conclusion wot I did come to which is that Hunchback (with the benefit of Instaload) is a cracking game to fire up and have a 20 minutes blast at.

If you can get much further than level 8 – you’re doing very, very well.

It is clearly nothing complicated, but its worth its weight in bells.

Commodore User Issue 9: 4/5
YouTube: LogrusUK
Download: Hunchback

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